13 Awesome Facts On A Clean Home

We all like to live in a clean home and that’s why we put our efforts as well in it. But if we talk about the facts related to clean home or benefits that people can get if they have cleanliness in their home then only a handful of people know about these facts. In this article, below I am going to share 13 Awesome Facts On A Clean Home and I am sure you will find these information really amazing and informative.

1.Women do more cleaning: In order to have clean home women does more work compared to men. According to various researches it is proved that more than 51% women do housework on daily basis to have a clean home, but this number is just 20% in men. Also, women spend 2.6 hours per day in cleaning activity while men give only 2 hours if they do the cleaning of the house.

2.Couples argue on cleaning:
Another research also said that more than 47% couples argue for the cleaning subject. In this argument sometime they argue about the person who will clean home and sometime they argue about the ways of cleaning. Other than this, they argue about the frequency of cleaning as well.

3.Green cleaning is growing:
In recent years the idea of green cleaning has increased in a great way and now a day’s people prefer to use natural and environment friendly materials to keep the house clean. Because of this green cleaning need, many companies are having specialization in green cleaning.

4.Green cleaning is healthy:
People are embracing the green cleaning method to have clean home because it improve the indoor air quality. That means it reduce the chances of asthma, allergic effects and less exposure to the dust and other toxic chemicals and their harmful effects.

5.A tidy home can cause injury:
Weather you believe it or not but this a fact that if you will have a dirty, tidy and messy home, then you might face some serious injury with it. However, you can avoid all these complication just by removing all the unwanted material from your house and by having a clean home.

6.Kitchen is not always clean:
I agree most of you clean your kitchen on regular basis, but then also your kitchen might not be completely clean. Your chopping board, kitchen dishcloth and knife can have billions of gems on them because of improper cleaning. Hence, you shall clean these things with more care and using more strong methods of cleaning such as boiling in water and using disinfection solutions for cleaning.

7.Natural is not always good:
Many people think that natural substances such as lemon juice or vinegar are always safe for cleaning. However, this is not true and in some cases these things can give adverse effects to your while cleaning. So, when you use it have a clean home make sure you use it wisely to avoid any complication.

8.People don’t clean overlooked area:
It is a dirty fact that many people just clean the visible area in their home and they get partially clean home. In this process many time people do not clean upper area of light fixtures, cabinets and similar places and as a result of that people do not get a completely clean home. Hence, if you have no intention to have these issues in your home, then you shall pay attention on these things as well.

9.Newspaper works better in windows cleaning:
Mostly people prefer to use paper towel for cleaning of their glass window. However, that is not only a less effective option, but it is costlier as well. At the other hand if you will use newspaper for this cleaning then you will not need to spend any money for that and the ink of newspaper would work as cleaning agent for you and you will get better cleaning with it.

10.Washcloths are easier to clean:
Many people prefer to use sponge while washing dishes, but that is not easy to clean. Instead of that it is recommended that you should use washcloths to clean your dishes. I am recommending this because wash cloths are always easy to clean and you can easily make that free from germs compared to regular sponge. If you use sponge, make sure you clean it properly to keep it free from all kind of germs and microorganisms so you can have a clean home in the best possible ways.

11.Inside air can be more populated:
If we trust one the environmental protection agency and its statement, then we have to believe that the air inside any home can be 200% more populated compared to outside air. Indeed, a lot of factors play a major role in the pollution of inside air, and with right cleaning methods you can have a clean home with cleaner air as well. So, if you have not given any value to this part then now is the time to change your opinion for same.

12.Dust particles contain dead skin cell:
Many people may not know that the dust particle inside any house can have a lot of dead skin cells in it. The basic function of body is that dead skin cell automatically wear off from the body and eventually it becomes the part of the dust. That also means that if you wish to have a clean home, then you need to deal with all the dead skin cells as well so you can have a healthy and hygienic environment for your family.

13.Your wet mop can cause musty smell:
Many times we clean the house using a mop and we wonder why we are getting a musty smell in the home. Wet mop is the answer of your question in this particular place. If you will use a wet mop to clean home, then it might give a musty and stinking smell in your house. To avoid this issue it is suggested that you use a dry or squeezed mop and you change it on a frequent interval as well.

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